Saturday, September 6, 2008

Goodbye Summer

This past Monday was Labor Day and the unofficial end to summer. Here in Utah it was cold and a harsh reminder summer has come to an end. So here is a list of our goodbyes..

goodbye swim races with cousins-peace dude!

goodbye summer birthday parties- we have 3 each summer
goodbye warm evenings at REAL soccer games-ok we only made it to one this summer, but hey it was the one where David Beckham came to town, and to answer my hubbie's question "yes he really is that cute"
goodbye soccer tournaments- ok not so sad to say goodbye to this one :)
goodbye to the quest for the perfect cannonball
Hello to fall soccer, BYU games (yeah we are 2-0), hoodies, sweaters, leaves, pumpkins,
school-ugh homework-the "what should we be for Halloween" discussions, and my favorite thing I hear "how many days til Christmas"

we will miss you summer..till next year ...


Valerie Chandler said...

I'm feeling all nostalgic looking at the Edman swimming pool... :)

Jami said...

we miss seeing you at the edman swim hole!