Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fresh From Above

...at 6:15 last night I get a text, "he's out" My boys all yell "yeah, another boy cousin!" My sister Kelli had her second child yesterday. One of my other sisters, Jen, and I made a late night visit to the hospital to see our new nephew. I love new newborns so fresh from above, you know they know so much more than we do and seem so wise those first few hours after birth, if they could only talk. We had a great visit and we tried to keep down the noise, but you know when those Evans sisters get together things get a little loud:) Warning this is a long post... enjoy the sweetness!

I love how Kelli and T's heads are at the exact same angle in this picture.

When you deliver after dinner the hospital doesn't give you much to eat, so we brought up my form of nutrition- chocolate shakes! As you can see they were quickly gone.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Oh my goodness I came across your blog frm the creative mentoring and I saw these photos of Kelli and Ted Holt and I used to live by them in Boutiful. Great neighborhood I miss it. Happy to see they had another. You will have to say congrats from Jess & Greg Bishop