Thursday, September 11, 2008

Christmas Cards are Here!! New Designs!!

I have my 2008 Christmas Cards designed. I think they are a little vintage, a little chic, and anything but ordinary. All orders for cards must be in by Nov 15! 4x6 cards are $1 each with a minimum order of 35 and 5x7 cards are $2 each with a minimum order of 35. All orders come with white envelopes. And because I love running specials for my clients- order 50 cards by Sept 20 receive 10 free. To see the cards up close, visit my website ,
on the home page on the right side scan down to where it says Christmas Cards 2008, click there and you will be taken to the cards.

do not order through that link(or you will end up with cards of other people's families on them)- email me the card number you are interested in
Tis the season!


Greg and Bethanie said...

When you are down here, or when we are there in November can you do a family photo for us? We definitely want to order Christmas cards from you!!!

amy said...

Those are really cute cards, Jami. I love the colors!

btw, I really like your new banner too.

Amy B. said...

hey I love the cards. Did you know my maiden name is Anderson. So just a funny coincidence. I could use those very cards.