Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween to everyone. We had a great, very long day. Here are a few highlights.

in my opinion the cutest little vampire -ever!
one nerd, one banana, one army dude, and one vampire- how different are these boys?

baby "M" wanted nothing to do with the halloween celebrations. He had the cutest lion costume and this was as close as we got to wearing it. He ended up trick or treating in sweats. Yep, by kid number 5 you don't care.


amy said...

Ha! I love that first one of Mason.

Greg and Bethanie said...

These pictures are hilarious! Tyler's banana costume is absurd!! Can't wait to see you in 3 weeks.

Bev Robison said...

Cute costumes! Although, I'm not sure if Edward would approve of the fake blood. ;)