Thursday, August 28, 2008

It is the most wonderful time of year go back to school! This week not only did the older boys go back, but my 5 year old the kindergartner (is that a word) also started. So four of the five are in school. It is a little quiet around here and baby M is searching the house for his brothers.

Ok for you moms who do not have teens - just a warning- the cuteness of a 5 year old turns into...
an attitude of an 8th grader- you know what he is thinking "my mom is the biggest dork"
oh look we caught a glimpse of a smile- I think I mentioned a girls name and he cracked a smile.
A big shout out to all the moms who survived another summer- it was great for the first 6 weeks, but by the last two weeks of summer weren't we all ready to send them back :)
Congratulations Moms!


1 comment:

Greg and Bethanie said...

These pics are too cute!! The boys have grown so so much!! I can't wait to see them!!